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Helpful resources for palliative care researchers


Updated: Dec 5, 2023

This list of research resources will be regularly updated.

Please note that these resources are from external organisations and any links will take you to the host's website.

Please also get in touch and let us know about any resources you have found helpful in your own research so we can share them here for the benefit of the network. Ngā mihi.

Māori health advancement guidelines, Health Research Council of New Zealand:

Lima G, Bowman S. Researcher Impact Framework: Building Audience-Focused Evidence-Based Impact Narratives [Internet]. Trinity College Dublin; 2022.

Qualitative research resources (provided by PCARN committee member Rod MacLeod):

MacLeod R. Qualitative research: What is it and how do you do it? Sydney (Aus): University of Sydney; 2018.

Critical Appraisal Skills Programme. 10 questions to help you make sense of qualitative research. England: Public Health Resource Unit; 2006.


©2023 by Palliative Care Aotearoa Research Network.

PCARN is grateful to be supported by ANZSPM and Hospice New Zealand

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