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Palliative care news round-up: July 2023


The latest palliative care news from Te Whatu Ora, Te Akai Whai Ora and more

Esteemed Māori health leader takes on palliative care role

Te Aka Whai Ora regional director Te Waipounamu Mata Cherrington has been appointed co-sponsor for Te Whatu Ora’s national palliative care work programme.

Cherrington joins Te Whatu Ora’s Chiquita Hansen as co-sponsor of the programme.

Cherrington was previously Southern DHB interim chief Māori health strategy and improvement officer. In 2019, she was appointed the kaihautū/chief executive of an iwi provider serving Murihiku.

She also has a background in the defense, corporate, social, education, and whānau ora sectors.

Te Whatu Ora staff focused on palliative care

Two staff with a dedicated focus on palliative care at Te Whatu Ora are keen to connect with people working in the sector.

Stephanie Read has joined Jo Hathaway as a programme manager in the Te Whatu Ora commissioning team with a focus on palliative care.

Hathaway is Te Whatu Ora senior adviser for palliative care.

Read is based in Ōtepoti Dunedin and Hathaway is based in Ōtautahi Christchurch.

Associate health minister Barbara Edmonds has palliative care responsibility

Barbara Edmonds is the associate health minister with responsibility for palliative care.

Edmonds is minister for Pacific peoples, internal affairs and economic development.

In the delegations to associate ministers, palliative care and aged care fall under Edmonds’s remit as having responsibility for older person’s health.

Health minister Ayesha Verral is also minister for research, science and innovation.

©2023 by Palliative Care Aotearoa Research Network.

PCARN is grateful to be supported by ANZSPM and Hospice New Zealand

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