Nau mai, haere mai ki PCARN
Simon Allan
Research interests: transitions in palliative care
Availability: available for project supervision
Kaye Basire
Research interests: delirium, qualitative research
Availability: available to assist with project development and supervision
Richard Egan
Research interests: supportive care in cancer, health promotion, aged health care, assisted dying, spirituality, hospice/palliative care, death and dying
Availability: available for project supervision, subject to topic
Lucy Elkin
Availability: available to assist with project planning, peer review, and for supportive advice to trainees
Lis Heath
Research interests: palliative care education and curriculum development
Availability: available to supervise up to masters level from 2024
Salina Iupati
Research interests: models of palliative care, COPD and breathlessness
Availability: available to supervise trainees
Vicki Jones
Research interests: delirium, medical education, palliative care education, simulation, professionalism, interprofessional education, and care at the end of life
Availability: available to assist with project planning, peer review and research collaboration
Amanda Landers
Research interests: end-stage COPD, models of care, pancreatic enzyme replacement
Availability: available for research collaboration
Heather McLeod
Research interests: planning and the need for palliative care, projections of need for palliative care, trajectories at the end of life, dementia and frailty at the end of life, costings, equitable financing of end-of-life care, impacts of climate change
Availability: available for advice on planning, sharing of methodology, and quantitative support on projects
Rod MacLeod
Research interests: spirituality in palliative care, education in palliative care, models of care, dementia near the end of life
Availability: available for project supervision
Richard McNeill
Research interests: pharmacotherapy in palliative care, adverse drug reactions, polypharmacy, and clinical informatics
Availability: available for support, advice and formal supervision